Biological protective clothing

Published : 2020-12-09 09:00:00
Categories : News

There are 2 words that are directly related to this year 2020: care and protection. This pandemic has made us take care of ourselves and protect ourselves much more, but also those close to us.

As we have already told you on other occasions, Global eCare will try to facilitate day-to-day care and protection, and now it was not going to be less.

But we also want to help with the protection of those who care for us, such as health personnel and caregivers. They have become key pieces of this pandemic.

For this reason, we have included in our products a line of Protective Clothing.

Depending on the job, you need a specific protective clothing. And for its good efficiency, its correct maintenance is essential, both at the beginning of its use and in subsequent uses. It must be used, washed and kept, as indicated in your usage information.

We have a wide variety of items: gowns, pants, jackets, jumpsuits, leggings, sleeves and hats.

The reusable items are made of polyurethane, a very resistant, lightweight and waterproof fabric. They can be washed at high temperatures and allow up to 100 washes.

Disposable garments must be taken into account that it is very important to be responsible for where they are thrown and the waste that is being generated.

Never before has our protection been so important.

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