October 1, Day of the Elderly

Published : 2020-10-01 08:18:50
Categories : News

Today October 1 is celebrated the International Day of Older Persons.

Established by the UN since 1990 to promote and advance the rights of our elders.

This year, more than being a day to celebrate our elders, it will become a day to claim their rights, since they have been one of the segments of the population most affected by the coronavirus.

Covid has changed our lives and our day to day.

We are concerned about those who are having the most complications to adapt to these changes, and they are dependent people and the elderly.

Many of them who live in residences have not been able to receive the visits or care that they normally had.

Even day centers have closed, causing damage to people who can no longer go and also to their families.

And those who reside in their own homes, their families and caregivers have not been able to visit them as much as they would like.

The effects of all this are people who have stopped receiving a specific therapy for their improvement, but above all, the company and daily help they had.

International Day of Older Persons

It is quite a worrying issue. In addition, we cannot forget that our society in a few years is going to be much larger (the percentage of the elderly will be higher than that of children) and we have to promote social, economic and political measures for our elders, to avoid circumstances like these in the future.

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